We produce quality products which deliver their best performance when put to use.
Our process of quality control initiates from procurement of raw material stage itself. We use the highest graded virgin raw material for producing multilayer films. The next stage in quality control is strongly supported by modern state-of-art production facility and a dedicated and educated team striving for continuous improvement. And the last post production stage for quality control consists of a modern and well equipped testing laboratory where we continuously check all kinds of multilayer films for their consistency in quality.
We always stick to our standards and norms which have been set by our values and principles, for maintaining and managing quality of our products and services, pre-sales and after sales.
„Als ich als Uhrmacherlehrling meine große Fliegeruhr mit Turbine uhren replica kreierte, hätte ich nie gedacht, dass ich 15 Jahre später die Entwicklung einer zweiten Auflage leiten würde – geschweige denn, dass ich für alle Montageprozesse bei IWC verantwortlich sein würde“, erklärt er Markus Bühler.